At St Leonard’s we host a Messy Church six times a year, on Saturday mornings. Unfortunately, our meetings in 2020-21 were cancelled and provision was only possible remotely. We hope to resume meetings in person later in 2021. See the Redditch Messy Church Facebook page for more information.
We work in co-operation with our friends at St Andrew’s Church at Church Hill Centre in Redditch who kindly allow us to use their room for our sessions.
It is open to all families and each event is organised around a theme. Volunteers provide craft-based activities for the young people and this is followed by a short celebration time again linked to our theme. It is a simple service which includes some prayers and songs. Once this is complete the room is cleared and all attending are invited to partake in a small buffet.
It is important that all children attending are accompanied by a parent, carer or guardian
St Andrews Methodist Church, Upperfield Close, Church Hill, Redditch B98 9LE