New Vicar for St Leonard's We are highly delighted to welcome Rev Gail Rogers to her post of Priest in Charge of Alvechurch and Vicar of Beoley in the Holy Trinity Redditch Team.Gail’s previous appointment as Assistant Curate at St Francis of Assissi, Bournville has just finished and she will be officially licensed and inducted as Priest in Charge of Alvechurch and Vicar of Beoley by Bishop John Inge at St Laurence Church at 7.00pm on December 8th. Prior to ordination, Gail worked as a nurse supporting people living with dementia. She is married to Karl and they have three sons: Matthew (25), Oliver (17) and Jacob (12), We look forward to Gail and her family becoming part of our extended family and wish them well in their time with us.